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“Snowkissed” aired January 30, 2021, on Hallmark Channel and starred the adorable Jen Lilley and Chris McNally. Jeff Beesley, who made the jump to Hallmark in 2019 with The Christmas Club and Holiday Date (two of my faves that year), directed. Kimberly Beyer-Johnson, who last contributed the script for A…

A Winter Getaway

“A Winter Getaway” aired January 23, 2021, on Hallmark Channel and starred Nazneen Contractor and Brooks Darnell. Repeat director Steven R. Monroe took the helm, with S.W. Sessions providing the script. Sessions has written four Hallmark movies just since 2020, most notably Just My Type and Chateau Christmas. The movie,…

Two For The Win

Soooo…you know how I complained a while back that Hallmark doesn’t let its stars do the things they are qualified to do (play piano, play cello, etc.)? Occasionally we’ll see legitimate ice skating, but it’s rare. This movie scored a major exception because this time Hallmark actually let Trevor Donovan…

Hearts of Winter

  My goodness, but I love Jill Wagner.  She is a doll.  And that Victor Webster, with his chiseled face – he’s fabulous.  And someone at Hallmark needs to greenlight a leading role for the lovely Rukiya Bernard!  The last installment of this year’s Winterfest, Hallmark’s “Hearts of Winter,” originally…

Hallmark For All Seasons