I know the PaeveyPack is happy about this upcoming weekend. They love some Ryan Paevey. His new movie, “Matching Hearts,” airs this Saturday, February 8 at 9 p.m. on Hallmark Channel.
The movie is directed by Siobhan Devine, who previously has directed a couple Lifetime Network Christmas movies as well as several other projects. I’ve read that the script was written by Zac Hug and Sara Wise and Laurence Walsh-Hodson. Hug, in particular, has written several Hallmark movies in the past two years, including “Christmas in Evergreen: Tidings of Joy“, “Jingle Around the Clock,” and “Road to Christmas.”
Here is the plot of “Matching Hearts,” as outlined from the Hallmark Channel website:
As Valentine’s Day nears, a matchmaker (Taylor Cole) is tasked by her mentor to find a match for an entrepreneur (Ryan Paevey) who believes staying single is the key to success.
As Paevey continues to grow comfortable with creating interesting Hallmark characters (I’ve not made it a secret I’m not a fan of his “Darcy” movies because he’s TOO wooden (I know Darcy was supposed to be stiff, but Paevey made him stiff to the nth level), I like that he has been paired with Taylor Cole, who I like very much. She may be able to bring out something in him that some of his other leading ladies have not. If he can match the energy that his characters in From Friend to Fiance and A Summer Romance had, this movie will definitely be a winner in my books.
Here’s a sneak peek clip of what we can expect on Saturday night:
What do you think? Are you a card-carrying PaeveyPack team member? Are you excited about “Matching Hearts?”
Check out this preview of #MatchingHearts starring Taylor Cole and Ryan Paevey! #hallmarkies @hallmarkchannel #loveeverafter Share on X
His interview on Home & Family this past week showed a charming very personable young man, who adores dogs and cats! I’m looking forward to seeing this one tonight.