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60-Second Book Review: “An Unforgettable Christmas”

It’s been a while since I posted a review of a Hallmark Publishing novel.  In fact, I think they’ve taken me off the roster for new books in the future because I took so long to read and review this one.  Oh well – it was good while it lasted! I received “An Unforgettable Christmas” back in October but only just managed to finish it yesterday.

Y’all, I loved this book so much!  With this book, author Ginny Baird has written a warm, inviting, engaging and lovely holiday Hallmark novel AND gained a new fan in me to boot!  I definitely plan on buying more of her books.  With “An Unforgettable Christmas,” she wrote well-thought out characters, a solid storyline that lacked over-the-top-cheesiness that some Hallmark novels have, and invoked a real sense of holiday tradition. This might be my favorite Hallmark novel so far this year.

This is the condensed book-jacket description for “An Unforgettable Christmas” from Amazon.com:

Angie Lopez works hard at Singleton’s Jewelers. Sam Singleton, her often-irritating boss, hardly does anything besides work. He doesn’t spend time with friends and family, even around the holidays. That’s why Angie’s the one who winds up taking care of him when a head injury leaves him with amnesia. As Sam attempts to remember who he is, Angie sees a new side of him as he shares Christmas traditions with her and her extended family. But if he gets his memories back, what will happen to her heart?

Author Ginny Baird is a great author and I plan on getting more of her books. I really liked every single one of her characters.  I was rooting for both Angie and Sam the entire way through their story.  And while it took me a while to finish the book (just because of my own lack of time to sit down and read), I never lost the plot when diving back into the book, and never felt the need to remind myself of who these characters were.  Angie and her family were adorable, and I enjoyed seeing Sam open up when his head injury forces him to figure out who he is.

I do recommend you get this book if you are a fan of sweet, simple love stories.  “An Unforgettable Christmas” is a delightful, easy read that is just perfect for this upcoming holiday season. I give it a solid 4 new puppies out of 5.

I received an advanced copy from Hallmark Publishing via BookFunnel in order to provide an honest review of the book. All opinions in this review are my own.

I've been a fan of Hallmark movies for as long as I can remember. In 2018 I decided it was finally time to write about it, and thus this website was born.

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