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60-Second Book Review: “Christmas in Evergreen: Letters to Santa”

When this movie came out in 2018 I thoroughly adored it – it even made my Top 10 for Hallmark Christmas movies in 2018.  So when Hallmark Publishing asked me to read a free copy of the book based on the movie, I immediately said, “Yes, please!” I read it quickly (two days) and it completely put me in the Christmas spirit despite being July!  I’ve been on a kick lately, reading mostly lighthearted romances just like this, and it did not disappoint.

Continuing their trend of supplying readers with sweet, cheerful stories, “Christmas in Evergreen: Letters to Santa” is a worthy addition to the genre.  If you enjoy stories with engaging characters, a heavy dose of Christmas spirit and a nice tidy ending, this book is right up your alley!

The book-jacket description is pure holiday romance stuff:

When Lisa takes a last-minute Christmas trip to her hometown of Evergreen, she finds that the historic general store has closed. The place was a beloved local tradition, and she decides to use her skills as a professional retail designer to bring it back to its former glory. She charms a local contractor, Kevin, into working with her, and the pair find themselves facing one surprise after another.

Author Nancy Naigle has written a LOT of books over the years, mostly romance fiction.  With “Letters” she more than capably brought the pre-existing characters and town of Evergreen to literary life in a vibrant way, to the point where I wished that such a place really existed so that I could retire there someday.  Sometimes I long to live in a tiny village that is as obsessed with Christmas as I am.  And while the story itself had a couple confusing plot points (notably, why is Kevin singing in the church choir when he’s only visiting his dad for the holiday week?) I was still charmed by the book. The writing is crisp and carefully curated, but yet allowing the characters to breathe and grow.

All in all, “Christmas in Evergreen: Letters to Santa” is a perfect sweet, quick read, especially if you love all things Christmas. I give it 4 snowglobes out of 5.

I received an advanced copy from Hallmark Publishing via BookFunnel in order to provide an honest review of the book. All opinions in this review are my own.

I've been a fan of Hallmark movies for as long as I can remember. In 2018 I decided it was finally time to write about it, and thus this website was born.

2 thoughts on “60-Second Book Review: “Christmas in Evergreen: Letters to Santa”

  1. Hi Jane…I follow your mother on Facebook and she mentioned your blog. It is the best blog site I’ve ever been on as far as visual pleasure right off the bat! I’ve watched almost all the Hallmark movies, but some just don’t grab me, and I pass on them until another time or not at all. I’ve had a lot of physical issues the last few years and I’ve enjoyed having these sweet movies to entertain me. I’m looking forward to reading what you have to say about them. Thanks for enlarging my life with your blog.

  2. I’m happy to hear you find my blog worth visiting, Meredith! I look forward to hearing your own thoughts on the movies – new Christmas movies are less than a week away!

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